Thursday, November 4, 2010

Preening Egret

Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size : 16" X 12"
I love birds and this is one of my favorite bird portrait. Initially I was wondering if the red and black background will work but after completing I was completely satisfied. As I decided to do this painting in one go I had to do the background in acrylic as it dries faster. To make the composition more interesting i used a little of pink and purple above and behind the beak for shadow.


  1. It's awesome. No words to speak for the art. For a moment I just thought that its a clicked picture but then when i saw carefully it was an awesome artwork. Really great work. :) Good luck!

  2. Back ground color composition is awesome Shirupa!! It is giving proper lift to the subject :)


  3. Your pics r going from better to best ! keep it up!

  4. This is one of your best! Very well done.

  5. This one is my fav till date .....cumpletely loved it and u know what it looks so real ..............way to go girl :)

  6. Hey Shirupa....really great work!!
    I'm a friend of Ajith and would really be interested in working with you.I have a brand by the name of Handmade Pledge in Inida and we support artists...please mail me on

  7. The Egret looks very much alive :) I was also able to appreciate the choice of background colors very well, it really goes well with the white subject!
